Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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204 lines
* abouthelp.c : file containing about(), and help(), as well as
* all the text structs for autorequesters.
extern struct Window *wG;
extern struct TextAttr TOPAZ80;
* Data describing the requestor text
struct IntuiText oktxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
5,3, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"OK", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText parfailtxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,16, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"Parallel failed to open", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText prerrtxt2 = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,32, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *) NULL, /* filled in from sys_errlist */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText prerrtxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,16, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *) "Error Encountered During Printing:",
&prerrtxt2 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText badcoptxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,16, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"Invalid Number of COPIES", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText prfailtxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,16, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"Printer failed to open", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText cantxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
5,3, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"CANCEL", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText retrytxt = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
5,3, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)"RETRY", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText aboutmsg4 = {
0,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,40, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *) " December 22, 1988", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText aboutmsg3 = {
2,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,30, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *) " by Joel Swank", /* pointer to text */
&aboutmsg4 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText aboutmsg2 = {
0,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,20, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *) " Version 1.1",
&aboutmsg3 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText aboutmsg = {
0,1,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
14,10, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
&TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
(UBYTE *)" SUPER Return Label Printer", /* pointer to text */
&aboutmsg2 /* next IntuiText structure */
/* Text for Help Screen */
char *HelpText[30] = {
" Super Return Labels",
" Super Return Label prints return address labels 3-up on single-wide",
"3.5 inch by 7/16 inch label stock. It can use condensed printing to get",
"19 characters per line and condensed-elite to get 23 characters per line.",
"It can also print 3, 4 or 5 lines per label. Four and five line labels",
"are printed with superscript characters and partial line advances.",
" Gadgets are used to select number of lines and linesize. Six string",
"gadgets are used to enter the 5 data lines and the number of copies.",
"There are PRINT and STOP gadgets to start/stop printing.",
" The options menu allows centering to be turned on and off. It also",
"allows selection of the printer type. Amiga printer uses the PRT: device",
"and should work with any printer. Epson printer uses the PAR: device and",
"will work only with Epson compatible printers. Only Epson mode allows",
"4-line or 5-line labels, because of the inability of the Amiga escape",
"codes to do partial line feeds.",
* Handle help request
extern struct NewWindow NewWindowStructure2;
struct Window *wH;
struct RastPort *rpH;
struct Window *OpenWindow();
struct IntuiMessage *GetMsg();
struct TextFont *OpenFont();
struct IntuiMessage *message; /* the message from the IDCMP */
struct TextFont *font;
ULONG class;
int i;
font = NULL;
wH = NULL;
wH = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure2); /* open the window */
if ( wH == NULL )
rpH = wH->RPort; /* get a rastport pointer for the window */
font = OpenFont(&TOPAZ80);
if (font) SetFont(rpH,font);
for (i=0; i<40; i++) /* dump the whole help text array */
if (!HelpText[i]) break;
Move(rpH,25L,(long) (i+1)*8+12);
Text(rpH,HelpText[i], (long) strlen(HelpText[i]));
while( (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
GetMsg(wH->UserPort) ) != NULL)
class = message->Class;
switch (class)
goto exit;
if (font) CloseFont(font);
if (wH) CloseWindow(wH);
* Handle 'about' request